Via Mala - Swiss Trip
Plans are now advanced and
going well for the trip to Switzerland.
As reported in the last Bulletin Robert Merker and Peter Alt have organised a great 3 day tour of the Swiss Alps based in Silvaplana near St. Moritz. Several LM62ers are already signed up and we welcome anymore to join us. As well as the weekend based in Silvaplana, Keith and Elizabeth Wait are planning a trip for those based in UK and ‘neighbouring’ countries to travel ‘the pretty’ route to ‘bag’ several countries on route and make the journey as enjoyable as the actual stay in Switzerland. On the return some are planning to travel the route of the Rhine and return via the Hook of Holland ferry to Harwich. All in all a trip of thirteen days covering approx.. 2,ooo miles and nine countries! So don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to enjoy an extended Continental Tour and ultimately the beauty of Switzerland all through the view over your cherished ‘bonnet’! Travel from UK option: (at additional cost) Here is a brief summary of the planned leg from UK:
Thursday 27th August – Saturday 29th August
Hotel Website (English) ![]()